If you would like to share your dream to other users, follow these steps.

We would recommend that you categorize your post, in which you share your dream, under the 'User Plan' category. 

1. On the feed page of the app, navigate to the bottom left-hand corner where you'll find a circular icon with a pencil outline (it is orange).  




2. Click on that and continue to the category selection: Motivation, Tips, User Plans, Routine, Reflection, and General. 

3. From there, you can select “User Plan” and then press then “Next” at the bottom to continue. 


4. Now, you’ll be able to create a new post under the “User Plan” category. In this section, you'll provide details such as title, content, and the option to add a picture. 

5. Additionally, there is a section where you can link an existing 'dream' from your dream list. If you wish to share your dream through a post, we highly recommend taking this step.

6. Once you're ready, there's a "post" button located at the bottom of the screen. After that, you’re all finished, and your user plan is published/posted.