There are two methods that you can follow to access and change the order of your To-Dos:

1. Navigate to the "To-Do" tab on the application, long-press any habit or task, and select the “Customize Order” button to rearrange your daily to-dos. This feature lets you rearrange the order of Habits and Tasks.

2. Another way to access the customization page is to select the three dots on the upper right corner of the "To-Dos" page. Then select the option "Reorder" to be directed to the customization page. 

In Dream view order, you can change the sequence of Dreams as well as the Habits and Tasks within each Dream. In custom view order, you can individually adjust the order of all Habits and Tasks.

Press down the two lines next to the Dream title to change the order of Dreams:

Press down the two lines next to Habits/Tasks to change the order of individual Habits/Tasks: