If you have accidentally deleted your account on our platform, we regret to inform you that it is not possible to recover your account or any associated data. Our account deletion process is designed to be irreversible to protect our users' privacy and data security.

While you can recreate an account using the same email address you had previously, any previously saved data, information, or account details will not be restored. You will need to set up your new account from scratch, including preferences and any other customizations.

We understand the inconvenience this may cause and the potential loss of data you may experience. However, our policies do not allow for the restoration of deleted accounts or their associated data under any circumstances.

If you have any further questions or concerns regarding account deletion or data recovery, please feel free to reach out to our support team who will be happy to assist you at support@dreamfora.com who will be happy to assist you.

We apologize for any frustration this may cause and thank you for your understanding regarding our account deletion and data protection policies.