When you visit someone's profile, you'll see a "Message" button whether you follow them or not. Just click on it to start typing your message. You can send photos, videos, and files too.

(Keep in mind, users who haven't updated their app yet won't be able to see your messages, so please wait until they updated their app.)


To manage notifications for this conversation, click on the 3 dots icon in the upper right corner and click "Notifications." You can receive notifications for all new messages, only mentions, or opt out of notifications entirely.

If you'd like to leave the chat, you're free to do so at any time.


To view your chat list, simply tap the paper airplane icon on your feed page.

You can swipe left on any chat to access options: turn off notifications with the bell icon or leave the chat with the exit button.

Inside a chat, long-press on a message from the other person to react with emojis, or to copy or reply to the message.

Long-pressing on your own message allows you to react with emojis, and also gives you the options to copy, edit, delete, or reply to your message.

If you have any further questions, please email us at support@dreamfora.com.