To access your Dreams, Followers, and Following, you must first tap on the profile icon located at the bottom right corner of the screen.
Here, you can gain a better insight of your Dreams, Followers, and Following:
“Dreams” refer to the personal goals, future aspirations and habits that users (including you!) want to achieve. These can range from big life goals, like starting a business or publishing a novel, to smaller, everyday objectives, like becoming more organized or improving a skill.
Followers are the other users on the Dreamfora app who choose to support and engage with another user's dreams. When you follow someone, you can see their progress and posts, and can offer encouragement in their comments!
As you continue to use Dreamfora to track, monitor, and plan your journey, we urge you to find, follow, and connect with other users! Everyone in the Dreamfora community is here to motivate, support, and inspire one another to achieve their dreams, with this, discovering others can enrich your experience on the app and help you stay driven on your path to accomplishing your