On the Dream“ page, select and click on the AI or Pre-made dream you added. 

From there, you can change the title, image, category, due date, and reminder of your dream. 






You can also edit, add, or delete a habit and/or task and finally add a note for your dream. 

For Habit:  
1. To delete, click on the trashcan icon on the top right-hand corner. 

2. For repeat days, tap on the days in which you want to get a reminder to do this habit.  

3. For active button, there is an option to deactivate your habit for the time being without completing deleting the habit. All you need to do is tap on the active button and it will change to inactive.  


4. For the habit reminder, you can choose a specific time for reminders on selected repeat days. 


5. For note, you can add more information you want to keep in the note.


For Task: 

1. To deleteclick on the trashcan icon on the top right-hand corner. 

2. For due date, it is the date in which you want to have the task completed.  

3. For task reminder, it is to set a time for that due date to get notified.  


 4. For note, you can add more information you want to keep in the note. 

Do not click on the “Achieve Dream” to save the changes, it means that you completed achieving your dream. 

Instead, click the back arrow, it saves your updates automatically!