To edit a Habit and Task, head over to the To-Do Page. 

Then, click on the Habit or Task you would like to edit.


Then navigate to the Settings page on the right where you will see a page like this:

At the top of the screen, you will see the title of your selected Habit/Task.

For Habits, you are able to edit the following aspects:

  • Repeat Days: For repeat days, there is a list of the days of the week.  The highlighted days (in this picture, the purple days) can be turned on and off by clicking on them. The habit will appear on the To-Do page on the highlighted days of the week. 
  • Frequency per day: Premium users are able to edit the amount of times they would like to work on a habit throughout each day.
  • End/Due date: For the end date, you can choose the date by which you need to form the habit.
  • Reminder: You can select a time in which Dreamfora will send a push notification reminding you to do that specific habit for the day. 
  • Dream Reassignment: If you'd like to assign your Habit to a different Dream, tap the Dream folder icon and select a different Dream.
  • Note: Tap to write a message about the selected habit, you can put links and phrases or whatever you would like in there. 

For Tasks, you can also edit the Due Date, Reminder Settings, Dream Assignment, and Note.

From the To-Do page, you also have the option to delete your Tasks and Habits, as well as Finish/Form Tasks and Habits.