Step 1:

To create a self-made dream, go to the Dream tab - the fourth icon at the bottom of the page or go to the Add tab - the third icon. 

Step 2:

Click the orange '+' icon at the bottom right corner and select 'Self-made Dream' on the Dream Page, or choose 'Self-made Dream' on the Add page. 


Step 3:

Click on the image icon to select an image for your dream. Users will be able to add their own pictures in the near future.

Step 4:

Now create a title for your dream.

Step 5:

Next, pick a category that your dream falls under. It will either be General, Health, Learning, Enjoyment, Career, Wealth, Relationship, or Travel.

Step 6:

Set a due date for your dream.

Step 7:

Now set a reminder for your dream.

Step 8:

Next, think of a habit that will help you achieve your dream. Habits are frequent tendencies or practices that should hold you accountable. Create a title, select how many days you want to implement this habit, set a habit reminder, and add any desired notes.

Step 9:

Similarly, think of a task that will help you achieve your dream. Different from habits, tasks are pieces of work to be done once to set yourself up for success. Create a title, select a due date, set a reminder, and add any desired notes.

Step 10:

Lastly, add any final notes and hit ‘Create dream’ at the bottom of the screen.