Dreamfora Premium is our paid membership service that provides a variety of additional features for a fixed cost per month. 

As a Dreamfora premium member, you have full access to all content and functions on Dreamfora.

This includes:

  • No Ads
    • No ads will appear. 
  • Unlimited AI-Generated Dreams 
    • Basic members receive 100 AI generations per day.
  • Unlimited Storage Capacity for Dreams, Habits, and Tasks 
    • Basic members get 20 dreams(including a maximum of 5 for the total number of AI and Premade Dreams) and 100 each of habits and tasks.
  • Track your habits and tasks using a 3-monthly and 60-day calendar view, spanning from 30 days prior to today to 30 days ahead on the Today's page. 
    • Basic members, however, can access a 14-day view, ranging from 10 days before today to 3 days into the future.

To sign up, click the “Today” tab on the bottom bar. You will see a calendar icon on the upper right.

If you click the calendar icon, you will see a popup that prompts you to the sign-up page.

Alternatively, you can access the same page and manage your subscription if you go to the “Profile” tab on the bottom bar. 

Click the cogwheel icon on the upper right.

Select “Manage subscriptions.”